We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to connect with Andrews alumni and to find a mentor. Please note that mentors are not here to help you find a job, but they can offer you immense value through their knowledge base and experience. Mentors can answer your questions, be a sounding board, and help you narrow down your future career path preferences. Many of our Andrews alums remember what it was like to be a college student with so much uncertainty about the future, and they’re excited to be able to help you in this way. It is up to you, however, to take the initiative in contacting potential mentors as well as maintaining your mentoring relationships.
Sign into the Andrews Network and go to “Find a Mentor” under the mentoring menu button. The system uses an algorithm based on your education, career history and interests to match you with recommended mentors. You can also search by industry, company or location to find a mentor.
Or, you could look under the directory to find a mentor. Anyone with the Willing to Mentor tab on their profile is someone you may contact.
Under mentoring settings, you can also edit and update the ways in which you’re seeking help at any time.
Select on Mentoring Relationships to view and manage your current mentors. You can click on the message icon to contact them directly through the platform, or you’re welcome to switch to another preferred method of communication.
Click on the calendar icon to set up an appointment (phone, video chat or in-person) with your mentor.
There is an abundance of ideas out there for maintaining a successful mentoring relationship. We’re compiling a list of tips you can refer to (COMING SOON!)
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